Saturday, October 6, 2012

Newspaper Nails! (girls can do anything when it comes to nails!)

Trick to Try: Newspaper Nails
By Kate Montgomery (extra credit given to who put this on there blog!)
We’re pretty simple when it comes to our nails. An inky black manicure is our go-to look as of late, but after spotting newspaper print over a pared-down putty pastel hue, we’re starting to rethink our polish here is the pics and stuff that you need! (i got this off of a blog!!!)here: 
What You’ll Need:
▪ A shot glass
▪ Rubbing alcohol
▪ Base coat
▪ Clear top coat
▪ Pastel nail polish
▪ 10 small strips of newspaper—bonus points if you use the Sunday Styles section!
Step One: Apply one base coat followed by two coats of your pastel nail color. Allow to completely dry.
Step Two: Pour rubbing alcohol into a shot glass and dip a fingertip in.
Step Three: Cover damp nail with a strip of newspaper and firmly press in place for 30 seconds. Slowly peel newspaper off and allow to dry. Repeat on other fingertips.
Step Four: Set with a top coat.
Cute, right?! Try it and let me know what you think! p.s! I got this off of a blog,too!!!!ditto!!! so thx for the idea!!!! so don't thank me guys,its who ever did this's credit!


  1. thx alot! but i am ten so.. but!!! i didnt do any of the pictures or words..well only at the end but i dont know who put this on there blog so give them the credit.NOT ME!!!
